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The Ensemble
Team work has been a way of life for most of us, being the fact that we have been working in teams, groups & blah. So it wasn’t outrageous when I decided to rope in some blokes/babes to form a team for this outing. Here’s a small gist of my troupe who would be entertaining me for the coming days.
Vineet Kumar a.k.a Chottu (he’s 6 feet 2inches tall). The ladies’ man & the perfect
gentleman - Other than the fact that we joined our company at the same time we have been project mates, roomies & a lot more (reading between the lines is left for you people). After doing some string of international traveling Chottu was pretty much bugged up that he had not emulated his international feats back in India. So when he came to know about this trip thing, he was all game for it. The only fear I had was that at the end he would get his call of duty (onsite call) & would have had to been a last minute omission from the plan. So I am still keeping my fingers crossed.
Prakash Mathew a.k.a Suzy (don’t ask me how). Suzy & I go way back to college. He had
been my junior in Chennai & then when he got his present job in Hyderabad, we were re-acquainted. Booze is one of the factors that have bound us from our college days, & so it was going to be again. Suzy was there in the initial plan which I had conveniently backed out from & somehow managed to pry him away from it (though no effort was required for this). Suzy was also longing for a long trip from his hectic schedule (he’s still shocked over the 1 week leave we are supposed to be taking), & had no so hesitation in nodding for this. Throw in the ultimate seductive of free booze & bang we were on.
Anukulya Panda a.k.a The Panda (no whatsoever resemblanc
e however). This self proclaimed dusky beauty is one hell of an entertainer. Ever since I struck a rapport with her in the office, there has never been much of a dull moment. She can be outrageously funny & irritating with panache. Usually goes on blabbering gibberish half the time, but there have been times when she’s shown that she is a gem of a darling. Had been whining about doing a long trip for like ages, & so when the opportunity came, all I had to do was knock at her door. And with her nod I confirmed that out trip was so going to be animated!
Yajushi Marella a.k.a Shrinky (had majored in psychology). The only surprise package in the trip – with everyone else I had like a 95 percent assurance that
they would be all game for the Gangtok expedition. But with Shrinky, I did have a major doubt. I met her through a common friend way back, and had just got to know her real well over the last year or so. She’s been dubbed as Ms. Smiley in Orkut & is one of those workaholics. So when she said that I was supposed to meet her mom to convince her that she would get back in one piece I did have my doubts. But all of those were laid to rest precisely 24 hours after I had met Shrinky & her mom, when she send over her sanctioned leave letter.
Finally coming to me, I think you all must have pictured a vivid image of me from the last chapter. As always it has been in my case, this time round too I am the black sheep of the group.
But yeah come to think of it, I did manage to group up some really different characters with an urge for some fun, relaxation & just maybe some sightseeing after all. Hopefully over the entire week, the only team leaders we get to see would be the ones that herd over a flock of domesticated animals.
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